See how I can help you

Specialised Psychological Counselling


NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming is based on the idea that there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic), and behavioural patterns that have been learned through experience (programming). Is a way of changing your thoughts, behaviours, patterns, and emotions to achieve specific goals and personal development.

CBT - Cognitive behavioural therapy is a type of talking therapy. It is a common treatment for a range of mental health problems. CBT focuses on helping you identify and change unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to emotional and psychological distress. CBT teaches you coping skills for dealing with different problems.

1 session 90 minutes with follow-up day 2 and day 7 where we talk for 30 minutes virtually about your transformation and answer any questions, plus learning resources materials.

Holistic Wellness Coaching - is an approach to helping you achieve overall well-being by addressing various aspects of your life and health in an integrated and comprehensive manner. It goes beyond just physical health and includes mental, emotional, social, and even spiritual well-being. The primary goal of holistic wellness coaching is to assist you in creating a balanced and fulfilling life by considering the whole of you and your unique needs and goals.

1 session 90 minutes with follow-up after 14 days where we talk for 30 minutes virtually about your transformation and answer any questions.

Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) is a contemporary therapeutic intervention drawing upon powerful solution-focused techniques including NLP, CBT, psychotherapy, neuroscience and hypnosis to offer fast results. It was developed by Marisa Peer over thirty years ago.

By giving you the potential to alter the way you think and put an end to negative self-talk, you can approach life in a positive way and move forward.

Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement. RTT® goes beyond this and focuses on identifying how, where and when unhelpful beliefs and behaviours were formed. It then utilizes the leading scientific principles of neuroplasticity to enable the creation of new neural pathways in the mind.

  • RTT® helps you uncover the root cause of why you feel the way you do.

  • RTT® helps you discover the origin of the beliefs and behaviours that have led to the issue.

  • RTT® supports you in transforming your current issue and moving forward with a new set of more beneficial and positive beliefs.

  • RTT® helps you reframe any negative beliefs, values, habits and emotions – many of which you have carried with you since childhood. Often, these have been so deeply buried in your subconscious that you are unaware of the past issues affecting you.

By investigating when and how the beliefs related to the issue were created, RTT® helps you bring about change by uncovering what you don’t know rather than working with what you already know. 

The subconscious mind holds the secrets.

How can RTT® impact physical health and life-long behaviours?

RTT® offers a comprehensive range of transformational techniques, including ways to access the body’s innate ability to heal and restore itself to wellness from a cellular level. Science has proved that we can rewire our minds through neuroplasticity – this is why the mind has the most powerful potential on the planet. By using RTT® to access the subconscious mind, we can create new neural pathways and replace old limiting beliefs and behaviours with new, empowering ones.

2 hours session with a Personalised Transformational Hypnosis recording - you listen to this powerful recording for at least the next 21 days to install your new wonderful beliefs (approx. 15-20min), and a follow-up day 2, day 7 and at 21 days where we talk about your transformation and answer any questions (30 min - virtually), plus a certificate of achievement for you to be proud of your transformation.

ONLINE or IN-PERSON (London, United Kingdom)

Human brain waves are the synchronized electrical impulses produced by the brain, creating distinct patterns that correspond to different mental states, such as deep relaxation, focused attention, or dreaming. These brain waves, including gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta waves, provide valuable insights into our cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and overall brain health.

With RTT® we work on Alpha brain waves to attain the state of relaxation, visualisation, and creativity.

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